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  • harleyclaes

The Cheat Code To Success

The world is saturated with people feeling sorry for themselves. This is how you begin the cycle. Cycles are born when there is no willingness for them to be broken. Cycles are easy to fall into when they are something you are used to, when they are the easiest, most normalized route. However conforming is the opposite of flourishing, it is mere existing versus living, surviving versus thriving.

Someone born into a lower class market may loathe where they come from, surrounded by individuals who swear they were robbed of wealth upon being born. They came from the streets but have no idea how to build up, they have been told tirelessly that there is no moving up, that the system is “rigged.” and in some ways, it is. But with hard-earned devotion, and tirelessly slaving yourself to the defunct system, prospering is inevitable. Working a laborious yet high-paying job you may hate will pay off if you invest your money. Education will be your guiding light after graduating from ignorance. Abundance doesn’t have to wait until your seniority, prosperity is a strategy. It is a mindset. Wealth is not born through laziness, it is not born through poor self-talk and feeling sorry for yourself. Wealth is born through education, hard work, confidence, and perseverance. You will not see someone who is accomplished with their head-hung low. Some may be humble, but inwards they will be proud of their accomplishments. Thus, those accomplishments and dreams will be fuel.

It is said millionaires have 7 streams of passive income. What are your passive incomes? Do you spend all of your time focused on your current job? Or do you come home to hobbies? Are those hobbies profitable? If you are a painter, can you pursue galleries? If you are a crafter, can you pursue small business vending? If you have some money put aside, can you invest that into something greater? The answer is yes. But first you must believe in yourself. Most hobbies are profitable, if aimed at the right audience and driven by determination. Success does not manifest by giving up, or by aiming low and having poor hopes and little aspirations. Small goals are a bridge, but big dreams are a motivation.

Who you surround yourself by is your mirror. If you find yourself surrounded by low-vibrational people; ask yourself, what is this trying to tell me? What about myself am I not aware of? What cycles am I a part of? If you want to be rich, hang out with the rich. If you want to scorn those that are doing better than you, hang out with people that are doing poorly.

The journey of prosperity will be a hard one, but it will be profitable. Whether you are aiming for wealth, confidence, or happiness, at the end of the day your mindset will be your compass. If you are rooted in the victim mentality, all you will ever be is a victim. If you thrive as a survivor of the things that are holding you back, you will flourish in your self-awareness with an abundance of possibilities that will blossom before you. You are the maker of your own world. The landscapes of your psyche depend on what knowledge you feed it. What you learn and what you consume elevate your existence, or assist in plummeting it. Embody and aim for the person in a position that you wish to be, rather than drowning beneath the weight of where you are.

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