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  • harleyclaes

Gratitude, Manifestation, Self Love and Self Awareness

I think it should be everyone’s utmost goal to be entirely in awe of the life they have created for themselves. To wake up one morning and look around and say “Wow, I am so grateful for everything that I have done to bring me here to this very point in my life.”

People highly underestimate the power of gratitude and manifestation. They rarely realize the after effects of their own actions, and how words have the power to uproot and reroute their lives.

What you speak you bring into fruition, and every action is returned threefold through the karmic cycle.

You can create the world you wish to live in through living intentionally and vocalizing the events you wish to experience. This can be manifested through affirmations, journaling, group talk, etc.

If you peer into the little things and feel grateful for every beautiful day, every healthy moment and every connection you have been blessed with- you stop focusing on the negative and begin to note everything as a fleeting yet lucky experience. Time is not bountiful, it is limited. You will only be this young once. You will only live this day once. So if you live your life trapped in a cycle of events that you’d rather not endure, you are living a life devoid of intention. You are living despite your own desires.

You must note your ambitions, your ideal self, your circle and your boundaries. Write an inner map of your being, a map of what makes you who you are. Note your interests, your skills, your values, your boundaries, your aesthetics, and your inner and ideal circle. Envision the healthiest and most successful version of yourself and what that would look like. Try to embody that version of you everyday. Idealize yourself and never stop romanticizing your life.

Self love is adamant, and it is a thing that can only be cultivated around those who have your best interests in mind. When you are wading in a sea of people whose aim is to sabotage you, it is impossible to evolve into your highest self. Your crowd is either your support system or your anchor. You can level up together, or stay stagnant alongside them. Those with a competitive or insecure nature do not want to see you thrive while they are still at the bottom. Self love is a thing that comes naturally when you are around supportive individuals, and those that set examples for the person you want to be.

Fall in love with every facet of your being. Your routines, the way you treat your body, your creative channels and the way you express yourself. Your style, your aesthetic and your self-talk. Take every chance you can to impress yourself. Be the one person that inspires you the most. Be someone you could be immeasurably proud of. Be someone your inner child never could have even conceived of, a protector of your heart and your own peace of mind. Learn to satitate yourself on your own presence, and gain sustenance from the times alone that you have to gather your inner strengths and ambitions. Time alone is time spent through your own eyes, no one to sway your opinion, no one to tell you what you need or want to do. Your decisions are your own. Superfluous. You could decide to do the thing you’ve always wanted to do, implement a new habit, eat the food no one else likes, create something without the influence of another- and just enjoy the stillness of silence and the fruitful landscape of your own mind.

Self love is the first step to building the life you want to live. Everything else begins to fall into place after that.

Self awareness is the only way to move forward. It is knowing where you fall short and putting plans into place to work on those things. Self awareness is knowing that your actions cause a reactive domino effect in the world, and return threefold. Self awareness is noting how we attract what we need to learn from. We attract things that tell us about ourselves. Self awareness is knowing there is no moving forward without criticism and self-work.

Gratitude, manifestation, self love and self awareness is the recipe for living a life you are utterly in love with. It takes time, but being surrounded by those that elevate you higher quickens the process and brings insight into your own strengths and shortcomings.

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