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  • harleyclaes

The Longing to Change other's Opinions on Social Media

"Western society has built a norm where, unthinkingly, the majority of people deny, ridicule, attack, abuse, trivialize, experience fear of, suppress or consign to novelty any experiences that provide evidence or intimidations of their inherited system of explanations being inadequate."

-Genesis P-Orridge

At the root, every person is blessed with an inherent individual personality that distinguishes them from other people. This manifests in interests, passions, hobbies, thoughts, morals, philosophies, their psychological blueprint, etc. Everything we say, do and believe is what makes us who we are.

On social media, an overwhelming majority of users believe they have the right to exercise control over other's opinions. They wish to change them and control them to fit an ideal they have of the perfect human- or at least what perfection looks like in their eyes. These people don't want you to think, to have a choice, and they also adamantly dismiss your ability to learn and educate yourself. At first glance, your entire humanity is composed of the one opinion you have on the topic at hand. If you disagree with a belief that they hold, you are automatically a bad person, and the entirety of your intricate personality is dismissed and you are deemed an enemy, or not fit to be associated with. This is a mode of control that exists not only solely online, but in the mental capacity of a narcissistic individual. The narcissist wants nothing more than to change their victim to fit the mold that is most malleable to them and their image of perfection. A world of choice is unpredictable to them, and due to the possibilities being endless, they demand that the world be linear, simple, and within their restrictions. These chronically online users wish the world to be an effigy of perfection in a universe that is chaotic and inherently imperfect- they wish to control others so that they can have some sense of control over their own lives. They feed on the unhappiness and distress of others during conflict and employ confusion to feed into their power and egoic means of expression. It unconsciously expresses an inability to self-reflect, and outwardly displays a means of ignorance to empathy. Control's goal is to condemn others and to perpetuate a cycle of happiness and fulfillment in natural living. Control relies solely on the manipulation of human behavior, and prides itself on it. Control is the need to change someone's inherent individuality to fit another person's idea of proper moral standing and what they believe to be factual ideologies. In short: to succumb and surrender, to become a victim of one's perceived authority over another. They wish that another person will give up their free will through a means of submission.

This is the philosophy of the ignorant, anti-empathetic internet dweller on social media, and falls on par with the habits of a seasoned narcissist. Do you see the correlations?

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