Official Website of Jack of all Trades
Published Author, Entrepreneur,
Artist and Musician
The House of Wonders is a puzzle in the form of an experimental short story. The reader must put together the story with its clues that at the end are further explained. The formatting is a visual expression of the ever-changing mind. It follows the story of a boys journey to understanding the truth.
Her Story
Harley Claes is a Filipino writer, entrepreneur, and artist. She also dabbles in other arts such as making music. She is the founder of Angelical Ravings Press and runs her own store that sells anything from teas and terrariums to art prints and zines. She is also a previous nominee of the Pushcart Prize. Her writing is oftentimes anachronistic, mystical, philosophical and holy erotic. Graduating, she received an all arts education. You can find her books on Amazon, and Goodreads. While her work has been featured in FLAPPERHOUSE, Terse Journal, Anti-Heroin Chic Mag, Rose Quartz Journal and Scum Gentry Arts, Vessel Press, Persephone's Daughters, Aromatica Poetica, The Opiate, Wilde Boy Literature, Danse Macabre, Mookychick, Moonchild Magazine, Rag Queen Periodical, Expat Press, and Cough Syrup Magazine, Spill Yr Guts Zine, Subrosa Zine and The Opiate's print issue's. You can find links to some of them below.